Bloomberg’s ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’ cameo

In case you missed New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s cameo on HBO's “Curb Your Enthusiasm” on Sunday night, here’s the clip. In the scene, Bloomberg plays himself and comes to the defense of Michael J. Fox who is speaking at a fundraiser for Parkinson’s research. Fox thinks he spots Larry David mocking him during the speech and gets upset. “Larry, what are you doing? Why do you have to come here and do that?” Fox asks out of frustration.

“Wait a second, Mike,” Bloomberg says. “Let me handle this. I'm the mayor. I am not going to stand here and listen to anybody denigrate Michael J. Fox. He is a great New Yorker and a great American. Larry, let me tell you something: This guy is trying to put Parkinson’s out of business. And I'm here to put you out of this city. Get out of town!”

At that point, the crowd gets angry at David — who is feeling misunderstood as usual — and makes him leave the event.

Bloomberg’s scene required five takes to record, according to the New York Times. While he mostly stuck to a script, the mayor did improvise the line about putting "Parkinson’s out of business.”